Nydia Streets - nydiastreets@gmail.com 2024-2025 Scholarship Committee Chair The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for recommending standards and criteria for scholarships to be awarded by the Association and/or the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. Bar Foundation (the "Foundation"). The Chair of the Scholarship Committee shall also serve as the Association's liaison to the Foundation and work to ensure the scholarships and funds are awarded in a timely manner. |
Rawsi Williams - rawsi@rawsi.com
2024-2025 Civil Rights Committee Co-Chair The Civil Rights Committee is a critical force for justice, advocacy, and community empowerment. The Committee is taking a leading role in restoring voting rights for Returning Citizens after Florida's Amendment 4 initiative in 2018. The committee also advocates for the community on issues of civil rights, legislative policies that affect racial equality and justice, and by educating the community. In 2023, the Civil Rights Committee authored an amicus brief in support of Black residents in Miami suing for medical monitoring regarding environmental hazards in their community. That position was vindicated by Miami's appellate court. |
Ariel Lett - alett@lettlawfirm.com 2024-2025 Civil Rights Committee Co-Chair The Civil Rights Committee is a critical force for justice, advocacy, and community empowerment. The Committee is taking a leading role in restoring voting rights for Returning Citizens after Florida's Amendment 4 initiative in 2018. The committee also advocates for the community on issues of civil rights, legislative policies that affect racial equality and justice, and by educating the community. In 2023, the Civil Rights Committee authored an amicus brief in support of Black residents in Miami suing for medical monitoring regarding environmental hazards in their community. That position was vindicated by Miami's appellate court. |
Marva Wiley- attywiley@gmail.com
2024-2025 Judicial Review Commission Chair The Judicial Review Commission shall be responsible for conducting an annual poll on Members In Good Standing regarding the qualifications of state court judges, judicial candidates, and candidates for countywide legal offices. The results of the poll shall be made available first to the Executive Board and then to the General Membership at least thirty (30) days prior to a regularly scheduled election. The Judicial Review Commission shall also be responsible for investigating claims of judicial bias and other conduct incompatible with the ideals of equal justice under the law. |
Nykeah Cohen - nykeah@attorneycohenforyou.com 2024-2025 Pro-Bono Committee Chair The Pro-Bono Committee shall plan and implement activities geared to promote the Association's commitment to public service as set forth in Article IX, develop and implement a process for monitoring members' participation, and recommend projects to be undertaken as approved by the Association. |
| Sam Ludington - sam.ludington@nelsonmullins.com 2024-2025 Budget and Finance Committee Chair The Budget and Finance Committee shall consider the Association's financial needs; plan, evaluate, make budgeting and general recommendations regarding financial policy to the Association; and offer advice on ways and means by which funds to meet the operating budget can be realized. The Committee shall present an operating budget for approval by the Executive Board. The fiscal operating budget shall be voted on and must be approved by majority vote of the Executive Board no later than the third meeting of each fiscal year. |
TerryAnn S. Howell - terryann.howell@gmail.com 2024-2025 Elections Committee Chair The Elections Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President and shall convene no later than February for the purpose of preparing for general elections to be held in April. Such Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President and four (4) additional Members In Good Standing. Members of the Election Committee shall not be eligible for elected office in the upcoming election. |
Lorna Brown-Burton - lornab@lebburtonlaw.com 2024-2025 Membership Committee Chair The Membership Committee shall implement the guidelines for membership in the Association and promote the Association's growth through planned activities to encourage persons eligible for membership to join the Association. |
Brian Kirlew - brian@kirlewlawfirm.com 2024-2025 By-Laws Committee Chair The By-Laws Committee shall review, evaluate, recommend, and propose changes to the Association's By-Laws. |
Raychelle Tasher - raychelle.tasher@usdoj.gov 2024-2025 Elections Outreach Committee Chair The Elections Outreach Committee connects with local, state, and national stakeholders to provide critical information about elections, ballot initiatives, and new laws affecting the franchise to vote. The Committee will also lead efforts of poll watching during critical elections to ensure Miami residents rights to vote are secure. |
Kyara Herard - kherard@kiernantrebach.com 2024-2025 Awards Committee Chair The Awards Committee shall select those members of the Association, judiciary, legal professional, or community at large who will be recognized and honored by and in the name of the Association for their contribution(s) to the Association, legal community, or the community at large. |
| Christopher Lomax - chris@lomaxlegal.com 2024-2025 Legislative Issues Committee Chair The Legislative Committee shall assist the Executive Board in preparing the positions of the Association on issues of local and national concern that may impact or affect the Association or its purpose as set forth in the Association's By-Laws. |
Michael T. Davis - mdavis@kuehnelaw.com 2024-2025 Gala Committee Chair The Gala Committee leads the effort to host galas hosted by the Association and its Foundation. Committee members assist in planning, fundraising, organization, and execution. |
Mallorie D. Milord - mmilord@hinshawlaw.com 2024-2025 Social Media Committee Chair The Social Media Committee facilitates the Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages for the Association, ensuring our membership and the community at-large receive up to date information on the services, activities, and opportunities available from, by, and through the Association as well as its Foundation. |